This is a kind of "instruction" how to act properly in twelve days after your Birthday. Maybe you will find there some "rational grain".

1. First day connected with your appearance, power activity, skills.You must keep yourself in good form.
2. Second day is a day of "things". Your house, comfort, financial position. You can not lend, spend a lot of money. If you get present or money in this day it's your luck.
3. Third day connected with your surroundinds (brothers, sisters, neighbours). Contacts and new information, TV, conversations, short trip.
4. Fourth day connected with your family background, family. Contact with your relatives.
5. Fifth day connected with your creative work, your artistic skills, any adventures. You can create, play lottery, cards, etc.
6. Sixth day connected with your HEALTH! Matters of diet, purging of your organism from any dross, very bad if you ill in this day.
7. Seventh day - your partnership. Close connection, any contracts, connection with law. What you will lay in this day, so you get.
8. Eighth day connected with critical situations. You can meet your spiteful person, some misunderstandings with close people. This day is a purge though suffering.
9. Ninth day connected with spiritual matters, day for soul, information about people from a distance.This day for meditation, spiritual literature.
10. Tenth day connected with your professional work, if your work depend on some people.Keep good touch with these people. You have to be strong and patient, have self-control.
11. Eleventh day is a base for any changes, energetic turn for your life. Would be good a meeting with true friends, dream of something, any occult knowledge.
12. Twelfth day - summation. Trying to understanding of your experiences, everything to do for yourself, for your soul. Keep your power, health, don't start
something new.
Within these days keep a diary and draw a conclusion.